
High-performance gas warning system for various requirements to measure gas hazards


Conception of the Gas detection system GMA200

The gas detection controller GMA200continues with the tradition of thecompany under consideration of innovativetechnology and trend-settingflexibility. It is designed for commercialand industrial applications for themeasurement of combustible andtoxic gases as well as for the measurementof oxygen. The compactconstruction of the GMA200-MW4provides a cost-efficient solution forsafe gas monitoring of industrial facilities.

Parallel Measurement and flexible application

Up to four analog and 16 digital transmitterscan be connected to GMA200-MW4 and monitored simultaneously.Via the configuration software themeasurement range, the measurementdesignation, the type of transmitterand the type of gas can be setindividually as well as three alarmthresholds can be programmed forevery connected single transmitter.The microprocessor of the GMA200-MW4 evaluates all receiving signalsand activates alarm and relays. Indoing so one single gas detectioncontroller GMA200-MW4 can masterdifferent gas detection tasks.

Integrated Relays

Permanent increasing demands on safetymeasures require complex gas detectionsystems and redundant protectivemeasures to protect from gas hazards.Therefore the GMA200-MW4 has sixinternal relays. For the implementationof safety measures and alarm, four relayscan be programmed freely so thatin case of alarm the safety measurescan be triggered automatically. Theprogramming grants wide-ranged andflexible possibilities like allocation of oneor more measurement point s to relay,single alarm per measurement point,configuration of collective alarm andgroup alarm, error report and votingfunction. For each, safety related errorreport and maintenance, one furtherrelay is available.

Relay modules

With a relay module GMA200-RT respectivelyGMA200-RTD the GMA200-MW4 can be expanded on further16 free programmable relays. Up tofour additional relay modules with 16relays each can be administrated bythe GMA200-MW4. The relay moduleGMA200-RT is connected via thedigital interface RS485 and allows adecentralized installation of the relaymodules, which offers great flexibilityon this basis and enables cost savingsdue to less effort of installation.

System functions: LED-lamps

The Status of the controller, i.e. operation,error, service and active relaysare shown via LED’s

Graphic display

The clear conception of the controllerGMA200-MW4 allows the rapid recognitionof hazardous situations. Currentmeasurement values are shown continuouson the LCD- graphic display.At Alarm a red back light is active.Furthermore the displaying of

Alarm 1, Alarm 2 and Alarm 3

occurs on the LED graphic display.Simultaneously the status of the activerelays 1-6 is shown by the LEDlamps in the case of alarm.The integrated storage allows thereading of alarm stages and minimumand maximum of gas concentrationon the LCD-display for the first hazardassessment.

Data logger function

For the Storage of measurement datathe controller GMA200-MW4 can beequipped with a Micro SD memorycard. Measurement values, averages,alarm events and errors can be savedand evaluated long lasting.

Keyboard operation

Five buttons enable the operation ofthe controller GMA200-MW4. Mainfunctions of the keyboard are theacknowledgement of alarms and operatingvia menu of the GMA-MW4.In the operation menu, the status ofthe controller, the Transmitter andthe relays can be accessed.


A USB interface on the ControllerGMA200-MW4 can be used for theconnection with the configurationsoftware on a PC.

Digital Interfaces of the GMA200- MW4 (RS485)

The Gas Detection Controllers ofthe GMA200 product line have threeRS485 interfaces.

Digital Interface TRM BUS

The TRM BUS allows the connectionof up to 16 digital Transmitters byGfG. They can be connected flexiblyin loop structure or line structureto GMA200 and offers wide rangeof possible connections. In additionevery TRM BUS offers to integrate theexternal Relay module GMA200 RT orGMA200-RTD.

Digital Interface GMA BUS

Besides the option to use this BUSfor the connection of external relaymodule, this interface offers the possibilityto integrate the Gas DetectionController GMA200 into network offacilities. A Modbus protocol in theRTU mode, which is transmitted viathe GMA BUS interface allows readingout the status of the Gas DetectionController GMA 200 by using a PC.Additional gateways (Profibus, Profinet)are offered by GfG and enablethe digital status monitoring anddata processing via further externalmodules (e.g. PLC)


Complex Gas Detection Systems withseveral Gas Detection Controllerstype GMA200 and numerous differentTransmitters call for a clearoverview to guarantee safety. Therapid and precise localization of gashazards is decisive to protect facilities,environment and human life.The PC based Visualization SoftwareGMA200-Visio evaluates the statusof the entire Gas Detection SystemGMA200 and displays it clearly. In thecase that any alarm threshold is exceed,the alarm triggering measuringstation with associated designation,the measured value, the measuredunit (vol. % or %LEL) and the typeof gas immediately is marked on thescreen, so that appropriate measurescan be taken promptly.

Technical data

Measuring gases: combustible and toxic gases and vapours, for all GfG transmitters

Display and control elements: 2,2″-LCD graphic display; 5 button keyboard (left, right, up,down, OK); 13 LEDs for Alarms, operation and Relay status

Environmental conditions: for storage:-25..+60°C | 0..99%r.F. (recommended 0…+30°C)

for operation: -20..+55°C | 0..99%r.F.

Power supply:

Operating voltage: 100-240V AC 50-60Hz or/and 24V DC (20-30V DC valid)

Power consumption: max.7W (without Transmitter) max.25W (with Transmitter)

Fuse: F1=T 500mA (for GMA200-MW4) F2=M 1A (for Transmitter)

Transmitter connection:

Power supply: 24V DC ±3% with built in power supplyunit, otherwise 20-30VDC (see above) 4x 150mA respectively Itotal=0,6A atany other subdivision

Analog signals Iin1-4: 4-20mA respectively 0,2-1mA(Burden ca.50..100Ω, Imax=70mApermanent / 500mA momentary) Digital signales TRM-Bus1+2: RS485; Half-Duplex; max. 38400 Baud

RS485 outputs:

TRM-Bus1+2: RS485; Half-Duplex; max. 38400 Baud (only for GMA200-MW4 relay modules)

GMA-Bus: RS485; Half-Duplex; galvanically isolated; max. 230400 Baud (for GMA200-MW4 relays modules, control center, PC, SPS or Gateway)

Relay Outputs:

Contactors: Six Relays with one open contact each

Contact current capacity:3A/250V AC or 3A/30V DC

Isolation spacings:Basic isolation between the Relays:1&2, 3&4, 5&6Double isolation between the Relays:2&3, 4&5

Analog outputs: 2 x analog output4-20mA (burden max.560Ω)free allocatable

Alarm acknowledgement inputs: 2 x Reset, free allocatable

Data logger (optional): 2GB microSD memory card with FAT (FAT16) formatting

USB terminal: Mini USB jack for configuration of the device via PC

Connection cable:

Cable entries: max. 9 units M16x1,5 (for cable cross section 4,5-10mm)

Terminal blocks: 0,08..2,5mm2 cross section

cable: 3-4 cored ≥0,75mm2 LiYY, NYM (for GMA200-MW4 power supply) 2-4 cored 0,5-1,5mm2 LiYY, LiYCY (for Transmitter) 2 cored 1x2x0,22mm2 BUS-LD (for GMA-Bus at a length >10m)


Protection: IP65

Material: Plastics

Weight: ca. 890g

Dimensions: 209 x 180 x 64mm (W x H x D)


Electromagnetic compability: DIN EN 50270:2006

emitted interference: Type I

interference immunity: Type II

Electrical Safety: DIN EN 61010:2010
pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category II for power supply
Overvoltage category III for relay contacts

Metrological suitability testing:

Requested according to DIN-EN 60079-29-1

Functional Safety:

SIL 2/3 requested



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